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EQUIP: Because global needs need leaders

By John C. Maxwell | October 18, 2010
EQUIP: Because global needs need leaders

Hello from Pebble Beach, California! There are certainly worse places to spend a week in October, but Pebble Beach is especially significant to me right now because of the EQUIP Leadership Summit and Golf Classic.
You may have seen that EQUIP is the non-profit organization that I founded over a decade ago. EQUIP specializes in the development of effective international Christian leaders. To see WHY, take a look at this video:


This week’s event is dedicated to sharing the vision of EQUIP and providing opportunities to partner with us in our mission, whether through a financial contribution or even a teaching role as an associate trainer.

Even if you aren’t with us in person, you can still learn more about EQUIP at their website, For up-to-date news on what EQUIP is doing around the world, you can “like” them on Facebook and/or follow them on Twitter.

My vision for EQUIP is that it be continually committed to developing leaders whose potential is great but opportunities for learning leadership have been limited. I am absolutely convinced that if Christian leaders around the world are trained, resourced, and encouraged, there is no limit to what can be accomplished in fulfilling the Great Commission!

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