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A Christmas Gift for Your Year-End Review

By John C. Maxwell | December 24, 2019
A Christmas Gift for Your Year-End Review

Dear friend—

Three weeks ago, I shared some thoughts on using the end of the year as a time for reflection. I challenged you to think about what you choose to reflect on and encouraged you to think more about the positive things that happened in your life this year.

I was originally going to post a FREE end of the year review guide for you and encourage you to use it during the holiday break before we head into 2020. I’m still going to do that because it’s Christmas, and there’s nothing more fun than giving gifts that make a difference in the lives of others.

But here’s what I’d really like to say with this week’s blog:

Thank you.

Thank you for continuing to believe that you can make a difference. Thank you for continuing to pursue personal growth. Thank you for every comment, every share, every click that’s propelled this blog past the 1,000,000-view mark since October 2018.

As I travel and speak, more and more people are stepping up and declaring that they can and will fill the leadership deficit we see in our world, and I couldn’t be more grateful for each one of you.

Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or just getting started on your leadership journey, you have been one of the best things to happen to me this year. You’ve made me better with your questions, inspired me with your stories, and encouraged me to continue my journey by inviting me to be part of yours.

So, as a gift to you, the readers, and with thanks to my amazing team, I’m excited to give you a Christmas gift—a FREE year-end review PDF that you can download and use to help you with your time of reflection.

And, as a bonus, we’ve also put together an audio lesson from me that will help you make the most of the resource!

While I know holiday celebrations might take up a bit of your free time, there’s still plenty of opportunities between now and the end of 2019 for you to make time to settle down with the year-end review material and reflect on the year you’ve had. It will also help you prepare to make 2020 your best year yet.

I wish you nothing but the best in the year to come and hope that your holidays are full of joy and memories. Thank you for being part of my life and for making me better!

Your friend,


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