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Executive Coaching

Our veteran coaching team is qualified and equipped to offer you feedback and tools you need to improve your leadership capacity based on your personal goals and objectives.

Coaching in leadership is like all other coaching; the goal is to help you win.

Successful coaches tailor the instruction to the person being coached. A good coach helps you see your specific circumstances objectively and provides you with the tools you need to deal with the complexities of your situation.

Coaching Gets Results

The right coach helps you accelerate learning, improve critical thinking skills, improve your interaction within a team and increase self-awareness .

The John Maxwell Company has developed a unique approach to coaching that starts by helping you develop your self-awareness. Using the results of the Maxwell Leadership Assessment and the RightPath behavioral profile our coaches help you discover blind spots in your leadership and develop your natural strengths.

With regular coaching calls you are equipped to win faster and with less friction than you would on your own.

Our coaches provide:

  • The right tools to maximize your effectiveness.
  • The right exercises to maximize your endurance.
  • The right application to maximize your stamina.
  • The right training to maximize your growth.

With coaching, you win.

We offer the following coaching approaches:

Ready to talk to someone about our executive coaching?


The 5 Levels of Leadership Coaching is designed to help you grow in your leadership without making content dominate the conversation. With emphasis on applying principles by taking action you learn how to develop influence with people. The material is designed to provide a jumping-off point for experienced coaches to engage in crucible conversations with clients.

Designed to allow for situational coaching, this system is flexible and customizable. A one to three year program that allows the coach and the client to craft a plan that addresses the client’s needs, it requires limited reading and offers concrete tools to emphasize action and application.

The 5 Levels of Leadership Coaching System is a world-class leadership development resource that helps clients at any age or stage in their career become better leaders.


The 360° Leader Coaching System is based on the principles found in John C. Maxwell’s book The 360° Leader. 360° leaders are adept at leading up, leading across and leading down within an organization. Leadership begins with self-awareness and personal growth. This coaching system equips you to lead from wherever you are.

Designed to help you gain personal clarity as you answer thought-provoking questions about your values, purpose and goals, you develop practical habits as you learn to apply new insights. Your coach holds you accountable as you reinforce positive change through action.

The 360° Leader Coaching System empowers you to take control of your life and learn to be consistent and intentional about your leadership growth and the growth of those around you.
