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Something fun for your weekend

By John C. Maxwell | April 30, 2010
Something fun for your weekend

Only one week from today is a fantastic conference/simulcast: The Chick-fil-A Leadercast. I’m so pleased to be a part of a fantastic lineup of speakers, including Jim Collins (Good to Great), Tony Dungy (retired NFL Super Bowl-winning coach), Mark Sanborn (The Fred Factor), and Chip Heath (Made to Stick).
And while the conference will be live in Atlanta, Georgia, it will also be simulcast in many different cities worldwide.

(To see the whole speaker lineup
and find a location near you, visit

Now, if you were at last year’s event, you might remember an “interview” between me and Tripp Crosby, one of the emcees.

Tripp’s parody video caught me totally by surprise, which is always fun. And it also made me look like an idiot, which I LOVED.  I enjoyed it so much that I posted it right here on my blog. (If you haven’t viewed that first fascinating interview, take a look.) A year later, I still get asked if I REALLY swim in a Snuggie. (No, I don’t.)

Well, my publishers, Thomas Nelson, loved Tripp’s comedy. So they couldn’t resist asking him to create a second “interview,” this time as a book trailer for Everyone Communicates, Few Connect. And the best part? I got to be in on the joke.

Here is the result:

[youtube width=”480″ height=”395″][/youtube]

Isn’t that great? Tripp really captured my “essence,” didn’t he? (And I really hope the next printing of the book DOES have a scratch-n-sniff section.)

In addition to this promotional piece, the folks at Nelson also created a great webpage for the book. If you have a friend who would like to know more about Everyone Communicates, Few Connect, please feel free to point them in that direction.

And if you enjoyed Tripp’s hilarious sendup of me, you can find more of his writing and videos at his website,

Have a great weekend! I’m preaching in metro Atlanta, Georgia, Sunday. If you’re in the area, I’d love for you to join me at 12Stone Church.

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