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How to Increase Influence, Engagement, and Results

By Tammy Grabowski | January 11, 2022
How to Increase Influence, Engagement, and Results

How to Increase Influence, Engagement, and Results

How would you rate your ability to genuinely connect with people? If you are like most, you could use a refresher on making meaningful connections with people in your circle of influence. When we have meaningful connections with others, we will increase their level of engagement with us and with their work.

With many people working from home or other remote work locations, it becomes even more critical for leaders to connect intentionally. Here are five ideas you can use to increase connection and drive deeper levels of engagement with your team.

The 5 Pillars for Increasing Influence, Engagement, and Results

Pillar #1 – Be interested in learning someone’s story. Dale Carnegie teaches that “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” We can often be so consumed with our own jobs and lives that we can forget that the people around us have lives. A few minutes spent learning the story of the people on your team will lead to a deeper connection over time. Be curious.

Pillar #2 – Listen with the intent to learn and serve. When you genuinely listen to someone, you are giving them the gift that says, “I value you.” As Stephen Covey taught us, listening with the intent to understand is great, but what if I could take that to the next level and listen to learn how you could serve them and add value to their lives?

Pillar #3 – Know their gifts. Author and speaker Liz Wiseman calls this knowing each person’s “unique intelligence.” When you have taken the time to understand the unique value that each person brings to your team, you are positioned to include them in meaningful work that motivates and engages.

Pillar #4 – Ask for help. For some reason, many leaders are convinced that they have all the answers. However, if you want to truly connect with your team, ask for help. Ask for ideas. Ask for their point of view. Asking for help shows vulnerability. When you ask for help, you admit a gap in knowledge or a need for help.

Pillar #5 – Connect them with others. John Maxwell has a question he frequently asks when he meets with others. “Who do you know that I need to know?” Helping connect people with others in your network is a great way to increase your value to both people. Be generous. Help others connect, and they will connect with you for life.

Connection is the Key

High engagement leadership requires connection. Many forces are vying for the attention of the people in your circle of influence. When you can make connecting with others a priority, they will make engaging with you a priority. Connecting with others is the key to influence.


Perry Holley is a coach and facilitator with the John Maxwell Company’s Corporate Solutions Group as well as a published author. He has a passion for developing others and seeing people grow into the leaders they were intended to become.

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