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Don’t Waste This Crisis: FREE Maxwell Resources for Growth

By John C. Maxwell | March 24, 2020
Don’t Waste This Crisis: FREE Maxwell Resources for Growth

Over the past two days, my team and I have been broadcasting live on Facebook at 12:00PM Eastern, sharing messages of hope and leadership during this unprecedented time in our world. If you haven’t been able to join us yet, we’ll have a message today, and tomorrow we’ll have a special Q&A session as well.

We made the choice to do this because we believe, deeply, that there is a deficit of hope in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and we want to do what good leaders do during times of uncertainty.

We want to offer hope.

So far, the response is overwhelming. Over 400,000 people have viewed the videos from the first two days, and we’re sharing them through other channels to make sure that no one misses out. Comment after comment has come in from people who are expressing their gratitude for just a message of hope during these dark times. It’s been nothing short of amazing.

But messages of hope only last if we keep hope alive. As I’ve shared with people all over the world the past couple of days, if there is one essential truth I’ve learned in all of my years of leadership, it’s that good leaders don’t waste a crisis. Good leaders allow a crisis to catapult them to better and more targeted growth.

Yesterday, I shared that there are three questions each of us should be asking during every day of this COVID-19 crisis:

  1. How will I use this to get better every day?
  2. How will I use this to help other people?
  3. What action will I take to improve my situation?

I know that there are plenty of other questions on your mind as you navigate this sudden shift in life, but I encourage you to set aside a little time every day just for hope. A little time every day where you can pause and reflect on these three questions and intentionally use this time to make yourself—and your world—a little better.

To help you with that, I want to share one of our team’s MANY free resources. It’s the 30-Day Growth Plan, which features includes over 40 minutes of video instruction from me as well as a complete downloadable growth plan guide. You can download that resource right now and start working on yourself within the next five minutes.

We’ve also created several other completely free resources to help you get better each day. Below, my team has assembled each one of these links to make it easier for you to find them as you need them. They are categorized by type, and all you need to do is click on the link for access:


The John Maxwell Leadership Podcast

The John Maxwell Executive Leadership Podcast

The John Maxwell Team Transformational Leadership Podcast

Podcast de Liderazgo de John Maxwell por Juan Vereecken


The John Maxwell Blog

The John Maxwell Executive Leadership Blog

The John Maxwell Team Blog

Leadership Promises for Every Day

John Maxwell for SUCCESS Magazine

Sample of iLead Values Curriculum for Youth


Minute with Maxwell



The John Maxwell Story

In the coming days, I hope you’ll visit and revisit this page as often as you can. That will mean you’ve set aside time to work on the most important asset you have—you. Take time to invest in your growth in these uncertain times, and you’ll see the compounding effect when we come out on the other side.

We will get through this. And we might as well get through by getting better.

Your friend,


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