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A Day of Service

By John C. Maxwell | October 16, 2018
A Day of Service

What does it mean to serve?

It’s a question worth asking yourself, especially if you’re a leader. Recent research has revealed that the younger generation of workers wants to work at a company with high potential AND a high purpose. They want to make as much of a difference to profit margins as they do the marginalized.

As a result, service—doing something for someone other than yourself or your people—is something many companies are beginning to explore, if not outright embrace.

“People lack wealth, not dignity,” Kim Phillips, the Co-Op’s Executive Director, told our team. “That’s what we’re here to give.”

And that’s exactly what the Co-Op does.

Service is not just giving of yourself, it’s something you do for someone else to add value to them and help them embrace their full dignity as a person.

And leaders understand that it’s a posture we must embrace daily. If you’re a leader, ask yourself:

  • Am I willing to serve someone today?
  • Am I willing to add value to another person and help them in ways I may not even understand?

If you decide that you are willing, I would love to hear your stories of service in the comments below because those stories are powerful reminders that, every day, we are surrounded by people who have intrinsic value and are looking for someone to simply recognize that value.

To take a moment and care.

I hope you choose to find just such a moment today.

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