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Value-added Links

By John C. Maxwell | August 17, 2009
Value-added Links

Getting ready to help me with my book? Only two weeks until the first chapter goes up right here on this blog.
If you follow me on Twitter, you probably saw my posts about opportunities to view my teaching on TV and online last week.

But trust me: I, of all people, understand anyone’s reluctance to adopt yet another piece of technology. So if you don’t get my Twitter updates, here’s where I was on TV last week (and can be seen online now):

The Hour of Power

God Will Give You Hope, 8/9

Joyce Meyer’s Enjoying Everyday Life

View recent episodes: Attitude Adjustment 1 and 2, 8/10 & 8/11

Praise the Lord with Matt and Laurie Crouch on TBN

View episode from 8/13

I hope these videos serve you well. I’m not used to being on television that much, but I certainly appreciate the opportunity. On TV, here on this blog, and on Twitter, my primary goal is to add value to your life.

And if you’re ready to take the plunge into social media, take a look at my tips on Twitter for Dummies (i.e. ME) at the bottom of this post.


One final announcement:

GIANT Impact is hosting an event just for CEO’s. Exchange will be in New York City November 4-6, 2009.

I always look forward to this chance to focus my leadership principles for a specific group. If you lead a large company and are looking for teaching tailored to your needs, please click the banner below for more information. (Early Registration Rate thru August 31)


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