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Win BIG by Creating Your Own Rule of 5

By Maxwell Leadership | May 20, 2013
Win BIG by Creating Your Own Rule of 5

Over the past couple weeks, we’ve been discussing the Rule of 5. Today, we’re continuing the discussion with a giveaway that we think you’ll love – and will definitely grow from!

In case you’ve missed the conversation, the Rule of 5 is a series of things that you seek to practice EVERY day. John Maxwell originally inspired our team to create a Rule of 5, which can be found HERE.

Not only does The John Maxwell Company follow its own Rule of 5, but John Maxwell’s non-profit, EQUIP also has a set of 5 items to do each day. As a non-profit organization specializing in the development of effective international Christian leaders, having a guiding Rule of 5 helps EQUIP create a strategic plan for daily tasks and growth.

EQUIP’s Rule of 5 is as follows:

Everyday we…

  1. Think Globally
  2. Evaluate Our Leadership Strategy
  3. Create Resources
  4. Develop Associate Trainers, Partners & Donors
  5. Train Leaders to Train Leaders

A Rule of 5 is more than a to-do list. It is the 5 things that are ingrained in daily life. Achieving them daily leads to success in purpose and vision. It keeps you focused. It is essentially the essence of a strategic plan.

“Most people allow their lives to simply happen to them. They float along. They wait. They react. And by the time a large portion of their life is behind them, they realize they should have been more proactive and strategic. I hope that hasn’t been true for you. If it has, then I want to encourage you to develop a stronger sense of urgency and pro-strategic  mindset.” 1

Today is a great day to take charge and begin living life with a strategic mindset geared toward growth. According to John Maxwell, much of his success for personal growth and high productivity is that he creates systems for everything. In “The Law of Design” chapter of The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, he shares about the systems he has built for his Rule of 5. Overall, strategically planning and processing through each of the items in your Rule of 5 can create great results for growth.

“What is a system? It’s a process for predictably achieving a goal based on specific, orderly, repeatable principles and practices. Systems leverage your time, money and abilities. They are great tools for personal growth. Systems are deliberate, intentional, and practical. They really work-regardless of your profession, talent level, or experience. They improve your performance.” 2

As you begin to think through what systems you could implement in your own life, remember that effective systems make use of priorities. Without recognizing what is most important, you may not accomplish the highest priorities, letting valuable time and effort slip by.

Instead, creating systems surrounding your Rule of 5 – your priorities – will help you fulfill your Rule of 5 every day.

As a team, we’re offering something to you. It’s a contest, of sorts, with a valuable prize!

Submit your very own Rule of 5 in the comments below to enter to win The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth Resource Kit. This includes The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth DVD kit and the book – a $425 value.

This simple and strategic step toward growth will ultimately give you the chance to grow even more! From all of the comments on this blog, we will randomly select one “Rule of 5” and announce the winner in the comments section below and on Facebook and Twitter.

So leaders, now’s your chance to win! What is your Rule of 5? Comment below with your answer to enter to win today!
1 The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, pg. 103
2 The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, pg. 109

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